Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

This benefit is based on a determination by a treating doctor that because of your industrial injury or disease, you have a ratable permanent impairment that will interfere with your earning capacity after you have concluded treatment under your workers' compensation claim.

PPD Rating:
The procedures for rating Permanent Partial Disability are the same whether it is a new claim or a reopening. Ratings must be done by a doctor or chiropractor on the Nevada rating panel list controlled by the Division of Industrial Relations (DIR). A medical provider must write that you are in "stable and ratable" condition. This means that despite treatment, you are at maximum medical improvement and the injury or disease is medically stable. PPD Ratings are usually described as a percentage of the "whole person". For example, a rating provider might write that an injured worker is 12% or 20% impaired. This is based on the idea that a whole unimpaired person is rated at 100%.
(NRS 616C.490)(NAC 616C.103)

Note: The rating should take into account all your physical impairments and all the body parts that were hurt because of your work injury. PPD is paid for physical impairment due to work injury or disease.

Get a Second Opinion:
If you disagree with the impairment evaluation, you may ask the DIR for another rater. DIR will then assign a new rater at random. The injured worker must pay for the second comparison rating but may be entitled to reimbursement if the second rating gives a higher percentage disability than the first.
(NRS 616C.100)

Lump Sum Benefit Amount:
The insurer may offer you a lump sum award for your permanent disability. The percentage of disability rating, your average monthly wage, your age, and whether you received Temporary Total Disability payments, are used in calculating your award. If one element is incorrect then your award amount could be incorrect.  
(NRS 616C.495)

One Benefit at a Time:
You cannot receive more than one benefit for the same claim, in the same time period, whether Temporary Total Disability, Permanent Partial Disability, Temporary Partial Disability, Permanent Total Disability, or Rehabilitation Maintenance.
(NRS 616C.405)

PPD and Claim Closure:
If the insurer plans to close your claim they must first send you written notice. Included with that notice, the insurer must either provide you with a date for a PPD evaluation or explain why it finds you have no possibility of permanent impairment. You may dispute claim closure through the State Hearings Division.
(NRS 616C.235)

If you wish to appeal the percentage of physical impairment, or which body parts or conditions are covered, or any other pending issue on your claim, Do NOT Take a lump sum settlement, because that ends litigation of most issues.