The Appeals Officer Level

Taking Your Claim Before the Appeals Officer

If you are "aggrieved" at the Hearing Officer level (i.e. you lost) you should file an appeal to the Appeals Officer. You should also file such an appeal if you believe you are entitled to a benefit and disagree with the decision or order of an MCO the DIR or an Arbitrator agreed to through collective bargaining.

Appeal Process:

About 10 days after the Hearing Officer hearing, you will receive a written decision in the mail. Read it carefully. If you disagree with any part of the first level decision you must appeal it to the Appeals Officer level. The form called “Request for Hearing Before Appeals Officer” will come with the written Hearings Officer's decision. You must fill out the form and send it in within 30 days of the date of the Hearings Officer's decision.

NAIW Representation:

If an injured worker would like to request the free services of the Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers (NAIW), the “Request for Hearing Before Appeals Officer” form includes a place for the injured worker to sign to indicate he is requesting NAIW legal services. If the injured worker sends the completed form to the Appeals Officer, the Appeals Officer will appoint NAIW to represent the worker. Once appointed, NAIW may represent injured workers at any level, including the District Courts or Supreme Court, so long as the appeal is based on a matter of law.

Until an Appeals Officer appoints NAIW, an NAIW attorney does not represent you.